sexta-feira, 6 de novembro de 2009

Como se forma um monopólio? Intel sabe!

Sempre soubemos que a Intel e a empresa do Gates agem de forma suja e cruel, prejudicando o desenvolvimento, criando monopólio e afetando diretamente o consumidor.
A fabricante também pagou centenas de milhões de dólares em descontos para que a HP reservasse apenas 5% das suas vendas de máquinas corporativas para a AMD.

A IBM também foi beneficiada no processo, recebendo 130 milhões de dólares para não lançar um servidor baseado em tecnologia da AMD, diz Cuomos.

O processo de Cuomo replica ação contra a Intel iniciada em 2005 pela rival AMD, afirmou o porta-voz da Intel, Chuck Mulloy.

As reclamações na ação de Cuomo refletem as reclamações no caso da AMD, que deverá ser julgado em março de 2010, alega a empresa.

A Comissão Europeia multou a Intel em 1,44 bilhão de dólares em maio de 2009, maior punição já aplicada a qualquer empresa na história do bloco. A empresa afirmou que recorreria.

> Entenda o caso entre UE e Intel

terça-feira, 3 de novembro de 2009

Estados Unidos em direção ao Linux - OpenSource

I wish that the White House web site would conform with the open standards that are recognized for web documents. It is not enough to include the doctype declaration in the HTML that claims that the page is XHTML + RDFa, but there must be follow through to actually realized the goal. Any tools that are used, whether free or not, should be good enough to put out good code. I've personally used Plone which is also costs nothing and has open code that can be examined and changed. But Plone, understanding it is not perfect, at least by default produces code that conforms with the open standards it claims to.

As I went through and used the W3C validator Tool on pages (for example: ), I found invalid XHTML + RDFa. It would also then more easily reach the accessibility guidelines (WAI and Section 508). Also the data contained in the web pages could be machine processable as well as being human readable (the more truthful the doctype declaration, the easier for the data to be consumed by standards compliant software).

I applaud the White House trying to make positive steps forward in terms of transparency. I just hope that they can also put in steps to ensure that the data and documents published conform with the standards they claim to want to abide by.

For more information:

Daniel Bennett

segunda-feira, 2 de novembro de 2009

Discurso que os Prefeitos precisam ler

R$225 milhões já estão disponíveis.

Apresentem seus projetos, dê oportunidade ao micro empresário.

Não matem empregos, Vamos gerar empregos.

Em seu programa de rádio "Café com o Presidente", Lula disse que o crédito estará disponível durante os próximos dois anos e terá como principal objetivo financiar a construção de locais adequados para o processo de reciclagem.

Lula fez um pedido para que os prefeitos formem cooperativas de reciclagem e não entreguem esse trabalho a grandes companhias.

"Se um prefeito resolve acabar com o emprego de 200 ou 300 pessoas que estão na reciclagem para colocar um empresário (no lugar), o que vai acontecer é que em vez de dar salário a 300 estará enriquecendo apenas um", afirmou.

domingo, 1 de novembro de 2009

Autoridade no Mundo LINUX -John Maddog

maddog: Well, Linux International is a vendor organization. I know a lot of people who have been confused about that and think that we are a user group, but we try to concentrate on vendor issues, things like portability of applications, and binary interfaces, and that the same application runs across all platforms.

When the issue came up about the trademark and the guy trying to capture the trademark, we raised the money for the lawyer to defend that. Then we went ahead to try to get the trademark trade-marked in all the other countries. We're keeping those for the Linux community.

This isn't to keep people from using the word Linux, as long as they have a legitimate reason, and use the word Linux for free. It is to make sure that the word "Linux" is there for people to use when they want to.

We also do things like set up events at trade shows, help to organize Linux pavilions. We talk to the press to try to give them an even-handed version of Linux, you know, what Linux is and how it works.

From time to time, we sponsor events. For example, the ALS show. We helped to sponsor it the second year that they had it. That was the year that it went from basically a couple people getting together to having 500 attendees and 43 vendors. The year after that it was 2,000 attendees and 60 vendors. We lent them some money up front. We gave them some guidance on how to do it (how to put together a show), and they did all the work. That's the type of thing LI likes to do.

We also help Vendors new to Linux, who have no idea how to reach the Linux marketplace. They have questions about the GPL, all those types of things. We try to help them out.